Saturday, December 15, 2007

I Made Google

So finding this blog used to be impossible, but thanks to Maria, I made google. You see, now if you "google" my name, Maria's comment about dusting fairy wands with me comes up, linking the whole world to my blog. Makes me think about how much I can divulge without getting in trouble.... :o)


Sweet Em said...

Your RIGHT! How fun, and what a great post to have people find with the picture of you in front of the Christus!

Maria said...

How interesting. :) I wonder why?? I (think) I'm glad that it was me who helped get you one step closer to world domination...or maybe you're mad at me for putting your full name on there. You can delete that comment if you want, can't you?

Maria said...

P.S. Sorry--or YOU'RE WELCOME!! ;)

indeazgirl said...

Oh no, I am definitely excited. Maria, Thank you. It's very fun.