Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fresh & Easy

Fresh and Easy I love you. I love how cheap your mangos are. I love that your olive oil and balsalmic vinegar are packaged so cute and are half the price of anywhere else. I love your baby roses and your organic orange juice and your $3.99 IZZEs. I love the possibilities that lie in your semi-prepared dinners and your store-brand string cheese that is delicious. I love your bread aisle on which lies the possibility that one day I may locate all the bread the Rachel Ray suggests.
You are so close. You are so new. You are so great. Yay!


Sweet Em said...

I love how prolific your blogging has been lately!

Jessica McIntyre said...

Oh that sounds awesome. Maybe Boise will get one in 10 years

SallieB said...


Sallie from Fresh & Easy here. Just wanted to say thanks for the awesome review you gave us today!

We're going to be sending out a special online coupon on Friday. Email me if you're interested!


Look forward to talking with you soon!

~ Sallie B.

Jessica McIntyre said...

wow that is fun she posted on your blog. you get the funnest posts from the most random people sometimes

MindySue said...

okay. i ASSUME that you're talking about a store and it sounds FABULOUS. i am SO jeaous.... ;(

MindySue said...

wow...Fresh and Easy LOVES you too! you better tell me what that coupon was for!