Thursday, August 28, 2008

My bum is so happy

I got a new bike seat. I rode my bike to work and it was wonderful. I got new tires. I felt like I was flying. I did not get two flat tires this time. I did not swallow any more bugs.
My first patient is a doctor, was training for a triathlon, rode his bike to work with his backpack, and got hit by a car and fractured both his clavicle and humerus.
It almost killed my ride-to-work buzz.
But not entirely.


Sweet Em said...

That is crazy and ironic! Glad your bum is happy.

Maria said...

A happy bum = ....a happy life? :)

Yikes, poor guy! How long will it be before he can get "back in the saddle" again?

Jessica McIntyre said...

Ouch, poor guy. A girl I work with got hit by a car and thrown into the road. She is fine, her bike a little scraped up. But whenever I don't want to wear my helmet to ride on the Greenbelt, Nate always tells me, "fine, just remember Jen got hit by a car and . . . " So I guess the moral is wear you helmet.

Still disagree with your "bum cushioning method" but I will forgive you.