Friday, August 29, 2008

Oh, so THIS is what a monsoon is like...

So last night one of the coolest storms, hugest storms in 30 years hit this area. 100 mph winds, power poles down, and an 8.4 million dollar bubble dome for ASU torn apart. And the sweetest lightning ever. Now, I was in the hospital last night, so it wasn't as cool for me as for Brad, who tried to drive in it. Our computers just went out for about 1 minute and we could see a little of the lightning. 
My bike path this morning looked like this: 

Have I mentioned it's also a flood wash? I rode home on the sidewalk of a busy street. Craziness.


Tara said...

This might change Kevin's mind about wanting to look into some jobs in AZ!! Okay, it's not snow so probably not. Cool pictures though.

MindySue said...

Wow! that is nuts!