Wednesday, February 04, 2009


We all make bad decisions from time to time. And usually, we have to deal with the consequences of those decisions. But sometimes, we make bad decisions and somebody else has to deal with the consequences. Take yesterday, for example (Mindy & Maria, you are so quick on noticing the post... I was still at work when Brad loaded up the picture!). Actually, we have to backtrack further than that. Back to December when I wrecked Brad's Cadillac. And got a ticket for having expired registration. HIS expired registration. A $136 fine. I called Brad since we were so close to the house and had him try to register it online, but it needed an emissions test, which is hard to do on a totaled car. Anyways, to sum it all up, I had a hearing yesterday in Tempe. Which I couldn't get out of, despite faxing a "motion to continue" to them in the morning, which was denied. I had to wake up 2 hours earlier than normal and drag my butt to court to fight this registration thing. And it was all Brad's fault. Did he feel bad about it? You decide:
  • He ironed both my scrubs and my shirt I wore to court
  • He made me both a peanut butter & jelly sandwich and a turkey sandwich, just in case I wanted options. And packed the rest of my lunch. 
  • He made me a breakfast burrito to enjoy this morning at work.
  • He stopped by Urban Campfire for dinner, which we'd both wanted to try. Excellent Baked Potato. 
  • And he refilled my water twice while I ate. 
So I guess if your brother lets his registration expire, and you have to go to court for it, apologies don't get much better than this. 
And, no, I ended up not having to pay the fine. 
Or I might still be a little pissed. 


MindySue said...

what? well, what did he have to apologize for????!?!?!? You can't just leave us good folks hangin!

Maria said...

Is this the mess he left behind that he needs to apologize for? Or is this the answer to the problem?

MindySue said...

yeah, but here's the thing....didn't you wreck his caddy? oh wait. never mind, I remember now...that wasn't your fault. Okay. You totally deserved all he did for you. You hear that Brad?!?!?!? No more expired regs!

RC said...

I am going to hold my tongue (or typing fingers) on this one.....

bradleyjohn said...

thanks dad.

Anonymous said...

Guilt is a beautiful thing, Bonnie taught us all the power of a guilt trip at a very young age. I have learned to deflect a fair amount of it but we obviously haven't learned how to deflect each others yet.Maybe when we're older and perhaps if we like each other a little less.