Monday, February 09, 2009

"We Elves Like to Stick to the Four Main Food Groups: Candy, Candy Canes, Candy Corns, and Syrup."

I am not the first person who has thought of blogging about this quote from the movie ELF in relation to her own diet. In fact, if you google this quote, quite a few "I need to lose 100 pounds" blogs come up. 
That's not what this is. 
The title/quote just reflects what I ate for about two weeks. 
The other option for the title was:
The Plate to Bowl ratio. (nope, not a link, sorry)
Let me explain. The plate to bowl ratio is the most reliable indicator of how many actual dinners I've cooked/eaten versus how many days I've gone just eating ice cream and/or Lucky Charms and/or Life Cereal and/or (in a moment of clarity) frozen blueberries and milk. 
The last few weeks we've gone through bowls at an alarming rate. 
In walks the Abs Diet. I love the Abs Diet. It's maybe the least restrictive diet ever. On the other hand, it's chock full of enough healthy stuff to make you feel amazing. I did one week's worth of this diet in October (I think) and lost 3 pounds and 3 people asked if I was losing weight. First of all, I was shocked that anybody was looking at me that closely. And second of all, I thought, "Do I need to?" I was doing this to be healthier!
But if one week's worth is good, 6 weeks worth is better, so I bought the book last week. 
Overall I would recommend the Abs Diet for several reasons.
1- Ice Cream is involved. Frequently. I needed to buy 3 different kinds. Sure, you only get one scoop in your smoothie, and you always add in some whey protein powder. And sometimes berries (which I also love in all varieties). But this to me still equals milkshake. And momma loves her a milkshake. 
2- This meal plan is based on 12 "Powerfoods." I like all of them. Especially. You guessed it. Peanut Butter. ahhh...sigh of relief.
3- Everything is based on being very quick. A guy wrote it. A guy editor of Men's Health. Everything takes less than 15 minutes to cook. This means I can take most of these meals to work. So I do. Dave Z. is brilliant. 
4- It's flexible. I can switch meals around for work eating versus home eating. i.e, fish fillets.
5- Some of the recipes from the last few days include: Roll of a Lifetime, Pimp my Shrimp, Mo' Fetta Mo' Betta, "Show Me The Honey" Smoothie (with honeydew), Orange and Gold (so delicious Asian Chicken). Haha. Aren't you a clever little chef you?
6- Cheat meal. Every week. Because I'm not staying in on Sat. night for the sake of the Abs Diet. 
The negatives:
1- Some of the stuff is a little iffy. The VERY FIRST meal is tuna & eggs for breakfast. Sorry Pregnant Emilies! Terrible, no? But I downed it fine and was full for 3 hours which is a record, so I guess I can live with that. 
2- He only tells me exactly what to eat for 3 weeks of his 6 week meal plan. I didn't buy this book for 3 weeks of being told what to eat. I bought it for 6 dang it. Now I have to recycle and mix and match. And DO IT MYSELF. Terrible. 
This should be fun...
p.s. And our dishwasher is all filled up with plates. 


RC said...

You may want to send me some of the recipes or meal plans so your fat daddy can start losing something besides his longing for Pepsi. Yes, that is right, the last one I had was JANUARY 4TH!!!!!I am dying slowly......

Sweet Em said...

How is the ABs for women different from the regular one? Aaron wants to do this in May (until then we are both plumping up as much as possible). I heard you can adjust the calorie counts for your needs (ie, breastfeeding) but I don't want to have to buy a "for men" and a "for women" book.

indeazgirl said...

Basically guys get to eat more. I bought off Amazon for $10/each. And the women's one has 3 weeks and the guys just 2. And the women's is a little newer. Maybe John & I can loan you ours in May?

breymom said...

I must be an elf LOL!