Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Thing About Free Time...

I am currently on my 12th day off of work. It is gorgeous outside. I'm not in school. I already worked out today. I have too much stinkin' free time on my hands. I know, I know, you all want to jump right over here and punch me in the nose. I get it. But really. It's one thing to plan for 2 weeks off and another thing entirely to be sick for 5 or 6 days right in the middle of two weekends. And John is very busy, which means I'm trying to remember exactly what I used to do by myself before him. The Bel Air got detailed yesterday. I sewed up the seat. I've replaced my shower curtain liner. I vacuumed my COUCHES. My magazines are read. And it's 3:45. Too early for dinner. What to do, what to do?
In other, slightly related, news,
You know, I'm not a naturally "big group" social person. I get my 3 good friends wherever I live and I'm kind of set. I think I need to expand this to maybe 5 good friends and 5 kind-of friends that I'm comfortable enough to hang out with once in a while. At least. Things to learn before 30: how to make introductions that don't suck, how to ask people questions about themselves (good ones), and how to hang out in big weird potentially awkward groups. Like after institute.
Maybe I will learn this. Some days it doesn't really seem so important. But maybe mingling is.
Also, my days are getting longer and longer because my body is resetting itself back to days, so I've seen a lot of sun, and the DAYS SEEM ENDLESS! but fun.
I'm going to go eat some watermelon outside.
Anybody want to go boating?


Sweet Em said...

Here is a conversation opener - "So, tell me about your next big adventure..." Then the person can tell you what ever they want including from "I'm moving to tanzania" to "my life sucks"

breymom said...

Fun Christin wish I had some watermelon, I'd love to trade lives for one day")

MindySue said...

boating?!? it's FEBRUARY!

Jessica McIntyre said...

Oh I miss the boat. Rowing over to the "beach" we never knew existed. My inability to row. Our middle of th night rowing adventure. Montego Bay and the bottle opener. The weird looks we got carrying the boat through the complex.

As for the asking people more questions, that is such a wonderful, wonderful idea. You are brilliant.

RC said...

How in the heck does anyone get 12DAYS OFF??!! And then not to know what to do with those days off??!!! I am sure not living right I guess. You're right, it does make me want to punch your nose.....Okay, maybe just kiss that little button....Maybe you ought to try going to some spring training games. Always cheap, fun and you're outdoors. Just a thought from your baseball loving dad.

indeazgirl said...

Spring Training Games. Sit outside in beautiful AZ with tons of hot athletic men around. yes, dad, this is a good idea.