Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pomegranate Season

There are actually two reasons I need to post about this salad.
1. My mom loves these salad almonds called "Almond Accents." They really are delicious and could almost make me eat a salad every day. Maybe I'll do this when I'm in my thirties. Anyways, every time we all sit down to eat a salad, my mom says, "You should try these almonds. They really make the salad." Or she used to. Except it was so predictable that we started teasing her for it and now she won't say it anymore and it's actually not as fun without her being so excited. What I'm getting around to is that I finally bought a couple flavors and they are fabulous. (They are in the produce section at Albertson's and Smith's.)
2. I love pomegranates. I love fall. I love pumpkins. I love chilly wind. I love pomegranates. They are a sign that all the fall holidays are about to arrive. It reminds me of pomegranate martinis with Jessica (we made them together; she drank them) and pomegranate toast (peanut butter and pomegranate seeds). Just the color feels so celebratory. I bought one at Whole Foods last week.

Brad made this salad this week. Nicely broiled chicken, toffee almonds, pomegranate, and poppy seed dressing. SO DELICIOUS.
Welcome fall!!


Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

Oh I miss having chef's for neighbors.

Bonnie said...

you forgot to mention that dad had to remove the spots on the ceiling from your latest pomegranate attack.:o)