Monday, May 31, 2010

Second Day Boise- AuBrey, Baby Erickson, and the Cupcake Store

We didn't have too much planned for our second day in Boise, but it turned out to be crazy busy and very fun. First, I called AuBrey (who I met in kindergarten) to see what she was up to. Since she just had her 6th kid, I thought we could just stop by. But since she had actually just given birth 5 days ago, her mother and mother-in-law were taking care of the kids and somehow she kind of had the day off!
AuBrey met us at Target with her newborn and announced that we had the day to play! So we bought our little things (yeah, I don't remember what....except that now AuBrey and I have the same purse) and then headed to Rembrandt's for lunch.
Rembrandt's is a little church turned into an art gallery/restaurant. And somehow it works. We had fabulous chicken salads to save room for the cupcakes still to come. This is John holding her baby. Who, last I heard, is still nameless. Maybe by now. I love her little bum!
And finally, John & AuBrey were introduced to Lilly Jane's. And we even came on Peanut Butter day. What can I say? They were delicious, the store was cute, and I was thrilled to be between two of my most fabulous friends eating delicious cupcakes. Perfection.

Afterwards, AuBrey went home for awhile while John and I ran to the temple to do initiatories. Now, I had never done this and I thought it would be a quick little thing. But it wasn't. And the cute little temple workers weren't all so awesome at communicating with us so it ended up being a long and somewhat frustrating experience (and peaceful somewhere in the middle :-) ) that ended about 2 minutes before our reservations. It was cool to finally be in the Boise temple though, and I'm so glad we went.


Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

The picture of J and the no name baby makes even me melt.

breymom said...

Every time I see my purse I think of you, I love it!

I thought of naming my baby Lily Jane while eating that coconut cup cake they were DIVINE:) Really her name is Shanriella Maysea.

While you were temple going I was taking a nap nursing and diaper changing in the truck for two hours in the "Home" Depot parking lot. I also lost my pants but that's another story LOL I was so glad you called and I met John finally!