Monday, May 31, 2010

What we have here....

So John really had a good attitude about Idaho the whole time. He was very good about acknowledging all of our good features even though it's not exactly a tourist trap. But after driving around Idaho Falls for a few minutes without getting out of the car, Kaitlynn had had enough of touring I.F.
"What we HAVE here," she said "is not a lot of FUN!!"
John lost it. In fact, we all laughed about it for days. John said she could come visit L.A. with him any time she wants.
(Just a quick note of gratitude to the fact that it was forecasted to rain pretty much every day. And it did. At night. It also snowed for a couple minutes twice. And hailed. Which made the 93 Phoenix weather seem like a fairy tale. But, really, it was generally beautiful weather. And it felt great to breathe Idaho air again.)

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