Four Jobs that I've had:
1. Working at the Children's Department at SEARS
2. Being a SERVER at Winger's Applebee's and at Frontier Pies, Murphy's, and the RAM. My favorites were Applebee's in Pocatello and Murphy's. But I really like Winger's Idaho Falls, too. I did not love Winger's Pocatello AT ALL, where I had to clean the entire floor with Comet every Tuesday, but I did meet my favorite convict there, so it evened out.
3. Being an assistant Administrative Asst. at the Idaho National Environmental and Engineering Laboratory with Shari McAffee, who was darling. And memorizing scriptures with Maria on the bus on the way there.
4. Scottsdale Healthcare- where I work now. As a nurse.
Four Places I have been:
1. NYC
2. Austin
3. Idaho
4. Florida
Four Favorite Foods:
1. Peanut Buttter
2. Nutella
3. Cookies
4. Izze drinks
Four Concerts I'd like to go to:
1. Garth Brooks
2. Live
3. Pearl Jam ( I don't listen to them much anymore, but I still feel the need on some weird level)
4. Dave Matthews (as much for the arms on the violinist as anything)
Four reasons why I love being me:
1. People are generally very nice to me.
2. I can talk to almost anyone, any place. And I tell good stories.
3. My family is great
4. I'm not a very moody or emotional girl
Four Classes that I wish were offered to and that I could participate in right now.
1. Bewitched 101: The art of the nose wiggle. (I'm stealing that from my friend emily because I actually tried to do it twice this week.)
2. How to practice guitar
3. How to breathe when you swim and not drown in a triathlon
4. How to marry off your good friends
Four friends or relatives that I am tagging:
1. Maria (do this as a comment on my blog)
2. Ariana
3. Travis
4. Emily I.