Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sobriety Test

I can't believe I forgot to write this. On Saturday night, I think, last week, Ariana and I went on a mission to try to find new car mats for the Bel Air 'cause the current ones are pretty bad. We found out that Auto Zone actually has a few 24 hour stores, which was exciting, and also found out that there are no good bright red car mats.
So, this would have only been my 3rd day of driving a standard and I was still a little nervous, and when I realized I was going the wrong direction, I flipped a U-ie in a major intersection right before a bunch of cars started coming right at me. Ariana was like, "Christin, their light is totally green!" "Oh, well," I said. And then I saw the cop lights behind me. Crap. So I pulled over.
Somewhere I read that it's what you say in the first 60 seconds that determines if you get a ticket or not. I don't think I've figured out what to say in that 60 seconds yet, because usually I always get a ticket. But this time I said, "Hi. Look. I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking when I pulled that move. I just got this car a few days ago and am still learning how to drive it." Then he asked me if I'd had anything to drink and I had to take my first sobriety test. I stepped out of the car and answered no to all these questions,
1- Have you ever had a brain injury?
2- Do you have any nerve problems?
3- Do you wear contacts?
4- Hard or soft?
Then I had to follow his pen with my eyes standing in front of him with my feet together. Of course I passed. I kind of wish they would have breathalyzed me. I definitely got the most boring of the sobriety tests. But it was entertaining. Because (of course) I passed. And because (for once) I didn't get a ticket.


Anonymous said...

talk about a heart attack! you forgot to mention that the registration was sitting on your coffee table at home...

Sweet Em said...

Well, if you apply yourself you can someday catch up to Aaron, who has been pulled over 3 times for suspected drunk driving...and hes PROUD of this!

Sweet Em said...

(Oh, but he never had to do a sobriety test...so I think you win!)

bradleyjohn said...

I have been pulled over three times for it as well. And Christin thinks that it is hilarious that I have also had my license suspended four times, all without ever taking a drink.