Saturday, October 31, 2009

Blackberry Storm 2

I got a phone. Not just any phone. A blackberry. I used to have a Nokia. It called people. It had a little camera. It texted. With really bad predictive text. That's really all it did.
And then school strongly suggested we have a "smartphone" to upload medical information onto so that we had it at clinicals. Plus, it sounded fun. So I waited and waited and waited and finally on Wednesday, the Storm 2 was released. It's so sweet. I facebook on my phone. My e-mail comes to my phone. I scroll through my calendar and type in a billion things I would otherwise forget. Basically, it's just a fun toy that seems silly really. And managed to give me a headache the first day I had it trying to figure out everything.
And yet it just might make me feel a little more excited about everything. And, of course, professional :-)
(Plus, it has a 3.2 Megapixel camera. Which means I will be taking all sorts of blogging pictures now because I'll always have a decent camera with me. No more missed shots of expensive shoes! yay!)
p.s. I won a $25 Target gift card from work for riding my bike the other day! sweet!


Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

I am so glad that now when I call you I can actually hear you!!!

Welcome to the Blackberry family!

Traci said...

Christin....I need to contact your mom.....please email me!

indeazgirl said...

Traci- I don't know your e-mail address. My phone number is 602-295-4290. Hers is 928-754-0202
You ok?