Monday, May 31, 2010

Merritt's and Idaho Falls

Our last stop in Boise was Merritt's. The duct tape on the seats was a little contrast to where we've been eating lately, but the food was hearty and American and very Idaho. And the cinnamon sugar scones were just as good as ever. When we got to Idaho Falls, we went straight to lunch at the Blue Hashi with my mom, my Aunt Jill, and Uncle Dan for some fabulous sushi (ok, so it wasn't scottsdale sushi, but it was good :-) )
There's not too awful much to say about I.F.. Mostly I showed John my high school and the Falls and my old house and then spent the rest of at my Nana's house (where my parents currently live for the month) and Candice's house. John left the next day to go to Utah and see his other friends and family and I stayed two more days to catch up with my family.
It felt so good to be back in Nana's house again.
And I finally got to meet Perri Marie! She is 4 months old and has the most beautiful smile ever. Which she gives whenever she hears Candice's voice. Seriously. Whenever. (And apparently I was too busy trying to get her to smile and practicing holding and feeding her to actually take a picture. Please don't kill me sister. I don't know how this happened!) I also learned that Tate is the cutest bobble head dancer, and Kaitlynn is a fabulous artist and totally has these long legs that are definitely not from our side of the family.
Here's a few tidbits of them! First, the little dancer:

John holding Tate's head from bopping around while he slept (Candice insisted it wasn't necessary, but...)

The mermaid at the disco ball party:

Candice's family and I went to the Museum of Idaho for the dog exhibit. Kaitlynn enjoyed petting the plastic dogs and Tate enjoyed the kid cabin. Candice and I liked the stamps in the dirt to make tracks of different animals. I think we all had a good time.
This is after the dog museum. These guys are power sleepers!

And my favorite picture. It is my good-bye picture, so it's a little sad, but Tate's "cheese" face makes everything better.


Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

I still think they are two of the cutest kids ever.

Anonymous said...

not only did you forget to post a single picture of your new niece but you also don't know how old she is. She was officially three months a few days after your departure, not four months.

Anonymous said...

but good pictures of the other two.

breymom said...

Oh that was so funny watching bobble head! Those kids are so darn cute!