I'm pretty sure no one has actually had a chance to even read the entry below this one, but just in case you were considering abandoning this blog for a week because I lost my camera, I found it. Now I'm doing laundry so that soon I can take cute pictures of all my new scrubs and try to link it together to make one picture. That might take a little time, but it will be fun if it works.
Keep ya posted!
Best laundry detergent for darks: Woolite Dark :o)
Ok so per your last message, I DIDN't abandon the blog for a week, yet you wrote that on Sunday, and it is not Thursday. . . . .
Opps i meant NOW Thursday
Fine. I'm sorry. But I've been LOOKING at my blog everyday. I just look at it after I finish my night shifts and I look like death and that's not the best time to take cute pictures. BUT! I have a few days off so this afternoon, I promise something will be up. In fact... give me a minute.
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