Today is about as close to a perfect day as it gets so I thought I would share a little bit. First off, last night was my guitar lesson and I am learning to play a song Hallelujah, and I love it. I love it so much I have tiny little callouses/blisters on my fingers because I played it so much last night. When it sounds amazing I will make a little video and put it on here. :o)
Also, I've gained a couple not-cute pounds right around my waist the last few months, and some of it is because I haven't been running regularly, and some of that is because I don't have a river right next to my house that I can run to and around. So I talked to Jessica yesterday and Boise who said, "Isn't there anyone who knows where to run there?" So I called Ariana, because I knew she would know, and we went on a great little run (2 miles?) around Tempe Town Lake, and it was perfect. Yay!!
And...if you click back to June to the entry "Couple More Things" there's a picture of some little seedlings I planted. Usually I plant seeds and they all die in about a week and I'm okay with that, but these ones have grown HUGE. And the best part is that a couple days ago I noticed an actual FLOWER. Wow. And today there is a little white one starting! How cool is that! I've never actually grown anything from a seed.
And lastly, both Oprah and Glamour magazines came today. And nothing really makes my day like Glamour. So even if I'm about to go get in the shower and go to work, work will probably be okay, this weekend was fun, and things are good. more thing..I have a date with the Elder's Quorum Pres. who is 22 and his name is Ben and we're going to a restaurant called "The Other Place" (I think) on Saturday. How cool is that?
Love y'all,
It was three miles actually. You underestimate your own amazingness. :]
Well done on the running! I'm very impressed! And I'm excited for your green thumb's so amazing to see things grow! (Although, I will admit, everything I have ever grown has involved a little green plant purchased right from the store.) :) Happy day!
Maria, you grew pumpkins! That is so cool!
I do thirty minutes of cardio a day, six days a week and I am still fat. Maybe it is genetics? Dad
Are you saying I'm fat? :o)
Sounds like a great day.
Dang time difference between the East Coast and Arizona finds me every Sunday afternoon checking out the blog to see what you had for dinner, and you haven't even started preparing it yet!! Have fun!
Christin! I like your blog! I'm glad you found mine. We need to hang out sometime.
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