Monday, November 19, 2007

Testosterone is My Favorite Hormone

This week seems like it has been an exciting one. The dinner party last week was fun, and then oh, I had my date. We actually ended up going to Joe's Crab Shack, not "The Other Place". Lots of times I've been there and it wasn't great, but this time it was. This is what to get: Crab-stuffed mushrooms, Crawfish half and half, and Bananas Foster. Absolutely perfect. Ben was nice. We're very different people, but he was so fun to talk to and get to know. Brad's friend Bryan was here from Idaho which meant 24 hour testosterone in the house, and that was very fun. AND Brian from the ward stopped by last week and is being very nice AND one guy I met on the Internet finally called after a month and a half. And that whole thing seems a little iffy, but suffice it to say, this week has been pretty much way more exciting than most others. And I had a little head cold on Friday so I called in sick to work. And working only 2 days a week is very fun. Ohhh!! And we went to sushi (Brad, me, Bryan, and some of their friends) on Friday and I had Chilean Sea Bass, and it was great!
And, I went to Crate & Barrel today (which is positively DRIPPING in Christmas magic) and on my way in a guy yelled at me from his car. "Hey! You! You are so Hot! You are Beautiful! You made my day just by walking by!" And he was actually kind of hot. Now did I go over there? No. Of course not. Because that's not what you do. But still, it's kind of fun. And another reason why testosterone is my favorite hormone.


Sweet Em said...

Wow! Sounds like a good week. I'm very curious about this "person you met on the internet" thing...perhaps a post? (but then again, perhaps not - wouldn't want to mix two online genres).

I think I'm going to ask the google what Bananas Foster is.

And I'm sorry to post such a long thing but your story about they guy yelling reminded me of this, by Jerry Seinfeld...

"I swear, I have absolutely no idea what women are thinking. I don’t get it, OK? I, I, I admit, I, I’m not getting the signals. I am not getting it! Women, they’re so subtle, their little.. everything they do is subtle.. men are not subtle, we are obvious. Women know what men want, men know what men want, what do we want? We want women, that’s it! It’s the only thing we know for sure, it really is: we want women. How do we get them? Oh, we don’t know ’bout that, we don’t know. The next step after that we have no idea. This is why you see men honking car-horns, yelling from construction sites. These are the best ideas we’ve had so far.. The car-horn-honk, is that a beauty? Have you seen men doing this? What is this? The man is in the car, the woman walks by the front of the car, he honks. This man is out of ideas...That’s why, I think, men get frustrated, when we see women reading articles, like: “Where to meet men?”. We’re here, we are everywhere. We’re honking our horns to serve you better."

indeazgirl said...

The guy I met on the internet is Will on Lds Mingle. And I just saw that Seinfield thing the other day!! :o) So awesome.

Travis Butterfield said...

ha ha. I love that Seinfeld episode. As for the testosterone thing, I'm okay with it being your favorite hormone, as long as you don't have too much of it yourself. Girls with moustaches and beards are creeeeepy.

Travis Butterfield said...

p.s. I was on ldsmingle for a while, but then I met some really psycho girls from on there, and decided I would much rather meet people in real life, and not through the internet. but that's just me.

indeazgirl said...

I'm starting to think Will is a little possessive and psycho, so those conversations might permanently end soon.