Friday, January 18, 2008

I feel like Jackie-o!

I drove my car today. First I armor-alled it so it was all shiny and pretty and then I drove it in the parking lot with some friends. And then Ariana and I went to the store together. It was so much fun. I don't think I've ever had more fun driving a car in my entire life. :o)


Anonymous said...

Christin: "I look like a thug, but I feel like Jackie O."


indeazgirl said...

I was wearing a beanie and a sweatshirt, driving a 1965 Bel Air, so it was really all kinds of ghetto, and I felt 100% refined. :o)
Oh, and snowboarding got moved to Feb 4th. MLK weekend is a bad idea.
Tomorrow I will be waxing the car and setting up a new dinner menu for the year!