Candice is a planner when it comes to birthin' a baby. She likes her epidurals and her inductions and that's just the way it is. So Tate was set to be induced on her due date Thursday, April 24th at 7 a.m. And at 8:30 p.m., last night (Wednesday, April 23rd), Tate decided to come on his own terms. Her water broke then, and at 9:49 p.m., Tate was born, and his 14 inch head 8lb 15oz body entered the world. He is darling. And Candice rocked it. She was NOT happy. She did NOT have her epidural. She did NOT have drugs. She did NOT have a particularly nice nurse either. She had one tiny dose of Stadol that kicked in after it was all over. But she still did such a good job. I was so impressed.
And Kaitlynn was so cute. She held Tate's hand and said, "Don't be scared, Tate. Your sister's here."
She kissed and loved him so softly and so cute.