Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How I Met Your Mother

I didn't even now this show existed until yesterday when Bridget brought the seasons over. She went home after 2 episodes and Brad and I watched 4 more. It is seriously the most hilarious show ever. Now as I write this, I'm like, "Crap, what if this show has some really naughty parts that I overlook or that are in upcoming episodes and somebody's going to be all offended if they watch it." And I can only say if that is true, I'm sorry. It is so funny to me. And I like that it's all about a sweet 27-year old looking to get married. 
3 more things before I start watching some more episodes:
  • I put up pictures of my shirt and purse on their respective entries. My jacket is too big so I'm sending it back.
  • I met two guys. They are roommates. Well, I met one who volunteered his roommate. I had just told Ariana a couple days ago that I need to meet a nocturnal person or someone who is unemployed to hang out with when I'm awake and no one else is. The guy I met is unemployed. His roommate works nights at Intel. They are both 27. Yay!! (I'm 28 in case anyone's lost track :o) )
  • 2 more days to Candice's baby!!


Jessica McIntyre said...

Did you know this is the show this is the show Britney Spears was on like 2 weeks ago. I haven't ever watched it but may I should now.

indeazgirl said...

I didn't know it was this show! That's fun!

Ashley said...

christin! you need to come visit! I didn't move to idaho or anything like that! ha!