Sunday, April 20, 2008

How Do You Think We Should Fix This?

So Kaitlynn was naughty today. She straight up took a little pair of bathroom scissors and snipped my mom's curling iron cord smack in half. 
And she got in big trouble. I think she got a spanking, and she definitely got a talking to. And Candice told her that she was going to have to take some money out of her piggy bank to pay for it. 
Later, Kaitlynn was sitting on my mom's lap, and my mom said, "What do you think we should do to fix this?"
Kaitlynn thought about it for a minute and then said, "Do you know any fairy godmothers?"


Emily said...

Has she seen "Enchanted"?

indeazgirl said...

Just asked. Yep. She's seen it. She likes it.