Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sunvisor Project

This is kind of a complicated entry, which is why is has taken me so long to actually write about it. But about 8 months ago, my sunvisor fell off. In my lap. While I was driving. Since then, I have thrown it in every possible direction in my car. I'd put it back it, it would stay for an hour, and then fall back out. I called Nissan and it would be like $200 to replace. I went to junkyards (like 10 of them....I think that's it's own separate entry) and apparently every other Nissan visor in America has also broken because they had none. See, the plastic thing in the second picture had broken in half, thus not holding it in. 
I tried to fix it once with lots of little rubberbands, and that didn't work at all. And the other day I fixed it with rubber washers, which I thought was brilliant, and that worked for an entire day and a half, until they slid off. So...today I used both rubber washers ("o" rings) and electrical tape. On the bottom AND the top. Pulled tight like string. I think this just might work. I'm not paying $200 for this plastic crap!

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