Sunday, April 20, 2008

42 Cures For Laziness

So on Friday night, basking in the laziness of another "What Not To Wear" evening, I felt, as I occasionally seem to, lazy. Yep, the kind of my house is messy, I'm in my pajamas, haven't worked out in like 6 days kind of laziness. So I called up Bridget, my new friend, and casually mentioned, "Hey. If I end up doing something productive tomorrow, like hike Camelback, do you want to come?" "Oh, well, I'm running a 4.2 mile race for Pat Tillman at 7:00 in the morning if you want to come.""uuhhh, yeah, ok. I could do that."
In case it's not obvious from my random sleep schedule and other entries, it was actually the time of day that scared me more than the race. But I needed to get off my butt so I said yes.
Now, Pat Tillman (hotness pictured above), died in the war and used to play for both ASU and for the Cardinals. His number at ASU was 42. So we ran 4.2 miles and ended on the 42 yard line of Sun Devil Stadium. And I ran it in 42 minutes, which was cool. 15,000 people did it, which made it exciting to be part of such a huge river of people. 
Then I went home and slept for 8 hours. Man I have a screwed up schedule. 


Sweet Em said...


What was the cause (I know it was a Pat Tillman race but was there something else?)

indeazgirl said...

It supports the Pat Tillman Foundation.

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