Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Juno is Due

Juno came out at midnight tonight. Brad and I were bored so we went to Wal-mart and made the poor stockboy dig it out of the back. It was kind of fun to know we had the first :o) Please feel free to leave your favorite Juno quote here. Ok, I'll start.
"I just drank my weight in Sunny D and I need to pee PRONTO."
"I'm already pregnant. What other shenanigans can I really get into?"



Anonymous said...

"How's my puffy little junebug doing?"

Jessica McIntyre said...

I haven't seen it yet but if you liked it enough to buy it, I think i will just go buy it. I wanted to rent it tonight and watch it tomorrow for my birthday, but i think i will just go buy it as a birthday present for myself.

indeazgirl said...

Good idea! Your present is in the mail :o)

Jessica McIntyre said...

oh and I LOVE my birthday present and I will note your listening skills have much improved. We barely talked about the shorts and you remember it 2 months later. :-)

Jessica McIntyre said...

"Thunder Cats are Go!!"

Nate know wants me to say this IF I ever get pregnant and when my water breaks.

Emily said...

"Bleeker's one and only vice is orange tic-tacs. The night I got pregnant, his mouth tasted tangy and delicious."

Emily said...

I also like, "Yeah, right, like I'd marry you. You'd be, like, the meanest wife ever. And I know you weren't bored that night 'cuz there was lots of stuff on tv and
'Blair Witch' was on Starz and you were like 'oh I haven't seen that since it came out, we should watch it' but then 'no, let's make-out instead' and la-la..."

We watched it twice when I rented it. I laughed my sides sore both times.