Today I was originally supposed to work. But it's taken me over a month now to get the Bel Air on its way to Alabama and pick up day was today. Also, Brad's car is fixed (stinkin' timing belt), but was still an hour away and I needed it. Because eventually John needed his car back. As in yesterday.
So my supervisor Bridgette, whom I love to DEATH, let me switch my days around. So on very little sleep, this is what today looked like:
After work, Ariana and Tyler and I hauled to Casa Grande and picked up a Camry. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Next, I attempted to sleep while trying to figure out how someone could possibly take six hours to get here from Kingman (a 3 1/2 hour drive). But that's how long it took the auto transport guy to get here. And finally he did. And then the Bel Air ran out of gas.
But the point being, the Bel Air is no longer mine. On one hand, I get to pay less in car insurance. On the other, no more Sinatra in a 1960's car on Sundays, no more "WOW! You can fit like 20 people back here!", no more parades to see me at the car wash, no more beautiful red doors....I love you my little Bel Air! Good-bye! Enjoy your new garage in Alabama!
I set to cleaning Brad's car. This Camry has been through a lot in the last year. It drove from Jersey, it got rejected by my sister Candice, it needed new axles and a new starter, and of course, a new timing belt. It's been forsaken often, left alone in our parking lot, while other better-running cars have been driven. But today it got a little pampered.
True, Brad fixed it. But somewhere in my childhood my dad grilled it into me that cars deserve to look nice. Really nice. I loved that people thought my truck in high school (ok, his truck) was 3 years old, not 11. I like to see the potential of every car. So some fantastik, a lot of ArmorAll, a good vacuum (I love my 100 ft extension cord), a good wash, a some Febreze later, this car may still not have windshield wipers or sun visors, but it does look good enough for me to actually drive. :o) (Unfortunately, I did not take a before picture of the rusted car parts, empty oil bottles, and dirty car seats, but I think Bridget, Ariana, Brad, Candice, and my dad can all attest to the transformation.)