Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Did Your Prince Get Lost?

So my 3-year old niece is so much fun to talk to now. There's so much going on in her little head and so many interesting questions that it blows my mind. For example, today. My mom was telling her a story about fairies or something and said "The End." Kaitlynn goes, "Finish it so they can get married and live happily ever after!"
So, of course, she did.
Then Kaitlynn on the phone today tells me the same story. Then there's a long pause.
"Christin, why is you not married?"
"Because I haven't found a boy I want to live with forever," I said.
"Did your prince get LOST?"
"In the forest with dragons?"
"Maybe. Do you think he can beat the dragons and come to me?"
"Yes," she says.
"Oh good. Me, too."
It was so hilarious. She's such a trip.


Sweet Em said...

That is SO cute!

Camille Elise said...

That little niece of yours is awesome. An adult couldn't have explained it better. "he is lost". hahahaha...that was the best story I heard all day! :)

Katie said...

so cute... i love the things kids say, so funny!

Jessica McIntyre said...

I love that I was able to meet Kaitlynn because it makes your stories so much better. :-)

Maria said...

Oh, that we all lived in fairy lands full of princes and dragons! (nice dragons, of course!)