Wednesday, May 28, 2008


This is my new roommate. With Brad. They were dating until today and now it's more complicated (see facebook) than exactly dating. Whatever. I like Bridget. She is cool. And she is staying in Brad's room for the summer while he installs security systems in Chicago (and is moving next week to Philadelphia). Anyways.
Bridget walked into Elder's Quorum at church one of her first Sundays here and wrote her name and phone number on the board and basically told her home teachers to get their butts over to her house. This is also the moment when Brad started thinking she was super cool.
Now we eat ice cream together and watch How I Met Your Mother, and she's also the one who I ran Pat's Run with. So, meet Bridget my new friend and roommate for the summer.


Anonymous said...

Love the facebook reference.

Jessica McIntyre said...

I don't have facebook. not fair

Anonymous said...

If you aren't understanding the reference, I'll explain. On facebook, you can put your relationship status, like "Ariana is in a relationship with so and so (other facebook member)..." One of the options along with single, dating, or married is also "It's complicated." And really, in this day and age, it's not official until it's facebook official! haha. How sad.

Jessica McIntyre said...

Thank you for that. I feel like a idiot.LOL