Sunday, May 04, 2008

Spun Sugar

Tonight's dinner party. Oh, good times. We spent a lot of time cooking. Everything seemed to take forever. Maybe we got started too late. Anyways, salad was grapefruit pistachio chicken salad (better even than it sounds). I poached chicken for the first time, which was great. It was very tender and flavorful. I tried to poach salmon once and did a horrible job. It was all dried out and nasty. The difference is to turn the water temp way down. 
Next! We had Whitefish wrapped in bacon asparagus and a lemon mayonnaise sauce. Excellent. 
And, the most fun dessert ever would be "Floating Islands." Not the most decadent, but enough fun to make up for anything. Soft custard with floating poached meringues (Brad's part) and spun sugar (my part. Spinning the sugar was super awesome. It took forever to boil that stuff, but more fun next time.
Company included a new friend Theressa (we actually just met but she graduates next week with her Nurse Practitioner and we totally click already which is fun.) Also, the Glass brothers, including Marshall from the Camping Pictures and his brother Jordan. Also, Russell, Candace A., Natalie, and Bridget. Good Times. 
Brad's moving to Chicago on Tuesday for the summer. Sad times. Dinner parties are on hiatus until then, but Theressa said she would host one for me sometime so we'll see. 


Jessica McIntyre said...

Oh the Grapefruit Pistachio Chicken sounds wonderful. I want that recipe.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to good old ribs and brisket with a little cole slaw on the side and some good ol' Texas beans? No surprises, just good eatin'.

breymom said...

This sounds soooo delectable esp. after just returning from the Wendy's dollar meal! Where do you come up with these recipes? I'm sorry about Brad leaving, why Chicago? Sounds like you still have some nice friends there anyway, how far do you live from Candice? Anonymous, my husband would be with ya 100% he was using the lid to my salad to hold his ketchup in tonight at Wendy's!

whitney said...

Wow, I want the recipes!! Especially the dessert, it looks so cool!