Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Decision and The Smell

I decided to compost. I went and got a little black garbage can on the cheap from craigslist. (By the way, ACE hardware carries the exact same garbage can that is in the compost entry from last week. I would probably have gone with that one had I known.) Anyways, so it's been sitting at my house for a couple days while I waited to borrow a drill. And today Brian came over. AND HE HAD ONE!! So he brought it over and held the garbage can for me while I drilled huge holes with my new drill bit (And yep, his arms look amazing in this picture. We're still not going to date.) Now, it looks more like bullet holes are in my garbage can than the cute design I initially pictured,  but it's still cool. 
I just filled it up with some food. Some food that I put in a plastic bag about a week ago on my porch. It totally smells so gross right now that I almost puked. I hope that's just because it was in a plastic bag. Now I'm thinking, "I hope no weird bugs or mold are in it that will ruin my sweet compost soil. I mean, do you think I should start over? 
Who knows...


Jessica McIntyre said...

Ya I am so proud of you!!!

RC said...

Wouldn't it be easier to just BUY some danged fertilizer. Follow a cow around? I am sure Josh has some to loan you. Why grow it? The smell, the nasty junk. Why bother?

indeazgirl said...

I'm starting to wonder...

Jessica McIntyre said...

that would be a fun request. Calling Josh and asking him to send some cow poo. Christin is being a friend to our earth and one day all her efforts will make it so that her children still have air to breath. (at least that is the line I use on Becky at work to make her recycle and not drive at much. LOL)

Sweet Em said...

I need to know how this is working because I have a lot of veggie "waste" that I hate throwing away. Perhaps a compost update is in order.