Saturday, May 03, 2008

Gem Stones and Chakras

A few years ago, Jessica had had some crappy things happen right before her birthday. And everyday, I drove by this little gem shop which gave me an idea. I went inside and asked the lady working if she had any gemstones to help with sadness. She did, and they seemed great, but when I asked her how much they were, she told me to hold it in my hands, close my eyes, and it would speak to me and tell me how much it was.
Oh no she didn't. No sir was I going to be like $30 when really she would have charged me $3 had I just shut up. So I left and went to another gem shop where they told me the freakin' prices.
Today I went to a Healing Touch International conference. And I will be spending another 9 hours there tomorrow.
It was the closest I've been to going back to that gemstone store.
But it was really fun. I learned about magnetic clearing and chakras and even that every chakra has a musical note and color. We had to sense people's energy fields and stop when we felt them. And it felt great. I wanted to go home and buy a fountain and some yoga pants. I did buy a CD.
There's some great case studies of patients who have done really well after their sessions, and I think it will be good with some of my anxious patients.
These are pictures of our altar (with a rain box, a chakra bear, and a Tibetan bowl of intentions). And a picture of the beautiful fountains at the Cancer center where it was held. The hospital put this on, and even paid the class fee for me! Yay!


breymom said...

This conference looks like so dang much fun and the best part is you didn't have to guess the price or pay heehee! I'm surprised the hospital put it on, considering it's kind of "out there" holistic things you were learning. You'll have to share some more about what you learned with me!

indeazgirl said...

The hospital actually has a Holistic Nurse, a musical therapist, yoga, and tai chi. Mostly it's at the newer location and for cancer patients, but it's sweet.

Jessica McIntyre said...

I still have two rocks on my desk at work, and one at home. Funny things is Nate has never really questioned it. LOL

Sounds like a really awesome class. It is kind of refreshing I think.

Anonymous said...

sounds like voodoo to your dear old dad. Never got into that touchy-feely sort of thing. I just think it is weird BUT if it does help cancer patients deal with the pain and discomfort, why not try it??? Am I getting soft in the good old years?!