Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Coming of Age

So most of you are aware that I'm a little obsessed with magazines. The obsession has mellowed in previous years, but my coffee table is still overrun with SELF, Glamour, Oprah, the Ensign, and Women's Health. I've been a loyal subscriber for years. But recently I felt a little betrayed. These are the covers from March and April:

I was offended initially when Taylor made the first appearance. And then Miley showed up. And lastly, Vanessa High School Musical Hudgens. REALLY??!!!
Since when did teenagers become my role models?


Camille Elise said...

Hahaha...your funny. But I agree. I haven't allowed myself to get any magazines since high school cause i find myself more envious of those cover models when I do. They are good reads I guess though. :)

kristine [kristine. or polly.] said...

That's weird... I would have been really excited with Taylor Swift and Mylie Cyrus, but V.A.H. is the last straw!

Sweet Em said...

Perhaps its time to pick up a subscription card to "Women's World"...

Jessica McIntyre said...

or Good Housekeeping.

I'm seeing Taylor Swift in concert on Sunday. Being your magazine subscriber soul mate, I did notice the same thing.