Friday, May 08, 2009

Wedded Bliss

I just got back from my 3rd wedding reception in as many weeks, which has obviously got me to thinking. I have realized the following:
  • I have no "home ward" attendees. Florida, Texas, Idaho? No, I'm not expecting any random ward attendees from out-of-state. And this single ward of mine consists of a lot of people close to a decade younger than I. 
  • My parents live in BULLHEAD CITY. Besides being a terribl[y unpretty]e place to hold a reception, I know really no one there. Because I have never lived here. 
  • Most of my friends have children or child and could easily use that or distance as an excuse to not attend. 
  • I have an entire household of stuff. I am a mom to everyone of my young[er] friends here.
That being said, I plan on having a very exciting and fabulous wedding. I don't know where it will be. I don't know exactly how it will go down. I don't know who exactly will be there (groom included). But I hope you all have plans to attend. I'm starting a savings account. Maybe you should, too. For the plane tickets. 'Cause I don't need a blender. 
You see,  this won't be a reception of people I barely know. I'm counting on you, my lovely friends, to dance with me into the night. (Please)
Wherever that night may find us. 

p.s. I realize that I did not attend all of your weddings, and that that could very well make me lame and even hypocritical for even posting this. However, we were all younger then. And poorer then. And I still couldn't go to the temple even if I had shown up. And most of you can. If you want to use that as your excuse, though, you can. And I guess I'll have no choice but to forgive you. 


Jessica McIntyre said...

You are so fun. I can't imagine how awesome your wedding is going to be there. We will definitely be there, even though I can't go in the temple.

indeazgirl said...

I'll get you a massage or something...Or you can swim in the reflection pool. :-)

breymom said...

LOL I told my Mom about the proposal because I went to the falls with her last week. I remember our free sample summer:) You've built it up so it better be cool:)

kristine [kristine. or polly.] said...

I love weddings and receptions but I don't know enough Mormons to be invited to any... You are a lucky girl!

Maria said...

We Mormons sure do like to get married! :)

Christin-I have actually thought about your wedding more than once, and have already worked out the pitch I'm going to use with Cory to justify the flight. :) Count me in!! (I have also thought about what I'd like to bring to your wedding shower--that I'm going to help throw for you with all the other IF girls who are also going to fly in for the fun!! Because, although you have a blender, I'm guessing we can help augment your lingerie stockpile!)

Maria said...

P.S. Idaho Falls wouldn't be a bad choice to get married--your mom's family is there--and well, it would be convenient for me. Or maybe Salt Lake-classic.

Maria said...

I just read that last comment--I'm sorry! "It would be convenient for me." I was trying to be funny-not self-centered. :)

indeazgirl said...

It was funny, not self-centered...But maybe if he doesn't show up for about two years, one of the three new temples being built here will be done. And everyone could stay in Scottsdale for a night. Or we could all just go to the beach!! WHoo-hoo!!

Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

I don't think you even need to worry about me being there. Your wedding will be the most fun crazy thing ever!

Not to mention I would NEVER miss the food that will be there! ;)

RC said...

If you ever get out of your commitment phobe era, mom and I will gladly make every effort to attend, (providing of course I haven't stroked out yet).

MindySue said...

Rest assured Christin that when you get married I WILL BE THERE (if I'm invited). That has ALWAYS been my plan.

Sweet Em said...

I think the goal at Christin's bridal shower should be simply to get her to blush...hum...this'll take some thought.

bradleyjohn said...

getting her to blush, huh? you better start working on that, I think you have your work cut out for you em

Anonymous said...

it's going to be so awesome. and i'm a little jealous of the fact that you can do something crazy amazing since you don't need stuff like blenders! too bad that tyler and i do (i sure hope my mom's friends pull through...)