Friday, February 08, 2008

Musings of a Freshly Minted 28-year old

It is 5 am. I should be asleep, but this week I had the lovely schedule of working two nights in a row, having one off, and then working another. This, as you have probably realized, is the night off. I could be asleep within 2 minutes right now. I know that I could, and yet, my mind is reeling, and while everything in my mind shouldn't necessarily be posted to the world of the internet, it is quickly headed that way.
I need to start whitening my teeth. This is only one of many goals going through my head right now. The other being that why on earth can I not ever keep my room clean. It's not bad right now, but you know you go into the homes of people who are like 70 and there is this perfect calmness about the cleanliness and serenity of their homes? I love that. Not that I want my life to slow down, because I don't, but man I need to dust, and my laundry hamper doesn't really fit anywhere.
I also felt as if I could literally feel myself getting larger as I watched TV tonight, including such classics as LA Ink and True Hollywood Story of the life of Hugh Hefner. I haven't really worked out since I got sick last week. And now that my neck and forearms hurt (I have a sweet bruise, by the way, on the left arm), I have an excuse. But really I don't want one anymore. My muscles want to feel strong and instead they feel like they are wasting away. My color is bad. It has been the last couple days. I need to eat more vegetables. I had the best carrots- all different colors- from Whole Foods the other day. Absolute heaven, and the only vegetables I can remember craving ever. I leave it to Brad to cook dinner too much, and it's probably not fair. I need to step up there.
I got a new toothbrush. I love it. It's a Colgate 360 compact extra soft. Extra soft because everyone I know says I brush my teeth too hard. Brad yells, "Help me! Help me!" Whenever he walks by during a teeth brushing. It has one of those cheek cleaners/tongue cleaners on the side opposite the bristles, which I find a little titilating, Maybe because very rarely do you notice the inside of your cheeks. So it's fun.
I went to the temple today in AZ for the first time. The Baptistry is turquoise tile. Ariana says it's Art Deco, which I never would have come up with on my own, but is totally accurate. There are hot pink flowers and bumblebees and hummingbirds around the oxen. And a huge gold chandelier in a big square, high-ceilinged room. Totally different than anything I've ever seen, but very cool. It was a nice feeling to be there again.
I got my first notice of my 10-year high school reunion today. The one in Texas that I actually didn't graduate from, but my friend Suzette is the Sr. Class President so I get to be invited anyway. :o) So crazy to think that we are already at that point. Kind of exciting. My high school friends in Idaho all made this video when we were 18 about where we thought we'd be at this point and then swore not to watch it for 10 years. I'm so nervous and excited to watch it again. And so interested that not one thing I can think of has happened that I thought would. And that I'm okay with that. And I think we should make another one. Except the thought of that one terrifies me. I mean 18 to 28 is big, but 28 to 38? That's mini-vans and kids and sports and houses and GROWN-UP-STUFF. That, for some of you, is like 15 years of marriage! Wow. It's so huge.
28 is weird. It's the first year I've forgotten I had a birthday and keep forgetting how old I am. I'll remember soon enough.
I quit guitar. I didn't practice at all, and it was a lot of money. I think my teacher was a little pissy with me about it, but I need to choose my priorities. And I will practice this as I can. It felt kind of good to let go of that pressure. And better when I realized that it will pay for my trip to MA and maybe TX and ID this summer. Wow. Maybe not all of that. But I sure feel better. I need to figure out this triathlon thing. How many. Should I do the stairstepper and tone first or learn to run first or just do it all at once. Who the heck knows.
I think that's all. I should sleep soon. I read Oprah tonight after watching TV. This month is a good one. I love love stuff.


Sweet Em said...

Wow - that made ME tired!! Yet I read every word and saw reference to my lovely state! Now I'm going to count on it!

Katie said...

get some rest cc! :) your blog totally cracks me up...

Jessica McIntyre said...

I got Oprah yesterday but haven't been able to read it yet :-( i actually fell asleep trying to.
Wow you got a lot going on in your head. What happened to my cool headed roommate?? Miss the drama??

Anonymous said...

Reading your night musings makes me so happy because they sound sort of like mine, except about your life. And if you ever need someone to cook you vegetables, you should just call me. Basically, you are amazing.

Maria said...

So, in order for you to watch the video that we took when we were 18 would mean that the person in charge of hanging onto the video would need to know where it is ..........................................hmmmm...............................I wonder if that person knows where it is..........................

indeazgirl said...

Maria Lee Hansen you'd better find that video. I swear to you....