Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Randy Rocked My World

Randy is in my ward. He and I were chatted at FHE the other day and I mentioned that I needed a bike for my triathlon. Little did I know that he was both a bike guy and a craigslist guy. And the very next day I got a text from him to call a lady with a bike. This lady had bought her bike for $600 5 years ago for a triathlon and hadn't been on it since. And she's 5'3". And she sold it to me for $250. I had it all cleaned up and tuned last week. So this, my good friends, is my new triathlon bike. :o)!!


breymom said...

WOW Christin,
Way to find the right bike girl! That is awesome looking, you couldn't pay me enough to ride it right now, that seat just looks SCARY to a prego women LOL

Camille Elise said...

Sweet!!! Don't you just love deals?! OH ya, and I'm glad you liked my pictures enough to post them on your blog...:)

Anonymous said...

Is this the same girl we had to coax to ride her first two wheeler? If I remember right, ice cream bribes were used. Dad