Sunday, July 29, 2007

So, I've been out of town for a few days. I went home to spend some quality time with the family and to get a perm, since mine was dying rapidly and my hair looked terrible most days. (I flat-ironed it for a week, which looks nice, but takes way too long for me to do every single day.) While there, I read Reader's Digest, which taught me about CSA's. CSA stands for community-supported agriculture. It means people buy little shares in a farm and during their growing seasons, the farmers drop fresh fruit and veggies off at your doorstep once a week. This seems incredibly exciting to me.
Unfortunately, AZ has a crappy little growing season, but we still have some good little CSA's, and I think I might buy the "summer survivor" share that lasts for 4 weeks and see how that goes.
For my loyal readers in MA and ID, y'all have great CSA's that also deliver eggs and flowers, including edible ones, and your seasons last forever. Colorado has 10, Boise has like 30, AZ has 3.
So, is where you go to choose one, and it might even be fun!


Sweet Em said...

Oh, my husband is going to roll his eyes at another "crunchy" idea I've collected. I have yet to tell him that I just bought some canvas bags to use at the grocery store instead of endlessly collecting plastic grocery bags...however he does like fresh food...I'm checking it out right now!!

indeazgirl said...

Oh yes, I'm anticipating some rolled eyes myself. I just bought 1 canvas bag at Trader Joe's for myself. I'm looking in to more :o)

Sweet Em said...

Try Albertsons if you have one, we have a store here run by the Albertsons corporation that sells them for $1.00/each.

Sweet Em said...

Okay comment #3 on this thread. GUESS WHAT! We are going halvsies with our 1st floor neighbors on a share of a local CSA. I am SO pumped!