Saturday, July 21, 2007

My first guest stayed last night

Oh, it was so exciting. Actually, I was beyond exhausted because I had to go to stupid classes at work from 7-4 for new RN's when I'm used to working night shift, so basically, it was trying not to sleep through classes at work so that I don't get fired.
But, back to my guest. She goes to church with my parents-- her name is Renita-- and she is looking for an apartment here because she is moving here in a week or two. So I blew up the airbed a little more, bought cute little travel-sized stuff, and put it in the bathroom for her in case she needed it. Then I bought a little leather journal at Target to be the guest book and put it on her nightstand. She obliged my cheesiness and wrote a little about herself and the date and her address. It was very fun.

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