Saturday, July 21, 2007

My Closet is Growing Fungus

So...the handyman came and replaced the leaking pipe and the gaskets behind the washing machine. The next day I was walking through my bathroom and realized the carpet was squishing again. I soaked through ALL my towels again (like 8) and called the handyman back. Apparently now there was a HOLE in the pipe. He fixed it, and I'm not leaking anymore, but frick my room stinks. This is a picture of Mildew. I think it's growing in my carpet pad. So, the carpet cleaner is coming in the next few days, and in the meantime I've doused it with Lysol spray to inhibit fungus reproduction. And I'm sleeping on the couch tonight. Gotta love it. cc


Jessica McIntyre said...

Thanks for the visual. :-P

Anonymous said...

Get out a razor and SHAVE IT!!!! Dad