Sunday, July 08, 2007


So I took the nursing boards on Friday. I don't know until tomorrow how I did. Now, I probably passed, and I felt okay about the test, but it's still very scary to not know for sure. But I'm writing this now because it seems like I would be cheating you all of the anticipation factor if I just wrote tomorrow and said I passed. These are the flowers my parents sent to the hospital on Friday night. For taking the test. hmmm.. that's a first :o)


Jessica McIntyre said...

Oh they are so BEAUTIFUL . . .Just like you

Sweet Em said...

Hey - how do you say NCLEX? Do you say each letter or "sound it out" so it sounds like ENclecks? Just wondering.

indeazgirl said...

N- clex
Yep. Like you said. ENclecks. :o)