Monday, February 25, 2008


So Jess and Nate are married! They got married at 5:30 yesterday (Sunday). I have almost no pictures of the actual wedding, so I'm going to have to wait until Nate gets me a copy of the CD, which he's actually going to try to do today. I do have some of getting ready, which I'll load up tomorrow. 

So there were times yesterday when I got to play pedicurist, seamstress, bridesmaid, and minister. Jessica's toenail polish chipped so we bought a color to match the one she had had done, and while she got her hair done, I sat down on the ground and painted her toes. Then, right before we left, we noticed some of the flowing material from the front on the dress had come undone, so Shelley (her roommate) and I sewed it up. I was also in charge of remembering the ring, the purse, and the overnight bag. AND the ceremony. 
JESSICA looked amazing. Shelley did a great job on her make-up. She bought the cutest pink Converse to wear under her dress, and her dress was breathtaking. And she was actually very well composed. A little nervous, but I think you have to be a little nervous. :o)
The church where they had it was so cute. It was the first Protestant church built in all of Idaho, Utah, or Montana. It's very tiny, but just cool. They had this sweet throne- thing for the pastor that I sat in just for kicks and the photographers took a few pictures. So funny. 
The ceremony went good. A lot of the relatives came and told me it was amazing. Jessica's brother-in-law's sister even told her she wanted me to do her wedding. haha. Nope. So I'm probably going to write down the ceremony soon and post it because I'm a dork like that. I didn't think I would be nervous at all, but it didn't take long before I was scared to death and I realized I was shaking just  little bit. But it turned out just fine. Jessica's dad- and Nate's parents too- were so sweet and so cute about everything. Anyways, I'll put some pictures up soon. I'm going to go hang out with Craig now!

1 comment:

Sweet Em said...

I was going to ask you to post the words of the ceremony! I look forward to it.