So at times I've considered this year a total waste. In reality, it was nothing like that and actually paved the way for a lot of other aspects of my life.
1- I moved to Boise. With a girl I worked with in Pocatello. For most of a year, I lived with a Vietnamese girl named Chi and a Mexican girl named Elizabeth. By the end of the year, Chi had moved to Seattle to be with her boyfriend, and Elizabeth had moved back home because she was pregnant with twins! In the meantime, we had had a blast going dancing on the weekends and enjoying "Chick-Bacon-on-a-Tater"s on the streets of Boise. Our diverse little group always drew such fabulous looks; it was great.
2- The reason I moved to Boise was to go to nursing school, and I had been told I would totally get in. I did not. So I basically had to chill for an entire year.
3- I went to Boise State and re-took Anatomy & Physiology, which, it turns out, it way easier there than at ISU.
4- I got a job at a Medical office that I thought I would love and instead pretty much hated. There was a lot of pettiness there that I basically couldn't stand, and I quit before the year was out. But. While there I met Jessica and Tara who would become my next round of roommates. Jessica and I hit it off right away because of our love of SELF and Glamour magazine. We had some crazy ups and downs as roommates, but it was all part of the ride. Tara's boyfriend Craig moved in, and even though he was 6 years younger than me, he also became one of my very best Boise friends.
5- I did my first triathlon. I was working three jobs (waitresses don't deal with taxes very well, so I was working at 2 restaurants and the medical office) and going to the gym after work. I had never run 2 miles in my life, but it was awesome. I swam 400meters in a nasty pond, coughed weird for 3 days, biked 6 miles on a bike I had convinced a bike shop to loan me, and then ran my 2. It was my first ever race, and I felt so cool. And my sweet roommates all came to cheer me on, which I absolutely loved them for.
6- And Kaitlynn was born. 2 days after my 25th birthday (which means, yes, she's almost 5!) Her healthy little body swore me onto Apex Prenatals for every baby I might have. And I gained a new appreciation for my sister and her strong and amazing body. She continues to be an awesome mom, and Kaitlynn is still the coolest ever. And she really likes me. Which counts for a lot.
So, really, 25 was a weird little year. But definitely, a good one.
Hurray for Candice for letting her entire family (except Brad who was on a mission) in delivery for the birth of her first child. And now we have even more reasons to celebrate Christmas!
Your mother wrote that last entry. I am so glad for Kaitlynn but didn't write that. It is amazing what you remember about all these years of your life. Maybe a life history is next????
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