Saturday, December 05, 2009

Thank You

This is Bridget:

Besides being crazy hot, she is also an amazing friend.She is loyal.
And a little crazy.
She is devoted.
And she will eat ice cream with you whenever you want.
And when you turn 30 she will plan you the best birthday party ever.
Even when a small calcification in an unwelcome place prevents her from attending.
I will take pictures.
And I will miss you something terrible.
Thank you.


Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

And she will cry her eyes out at reading that...

Miss you.
Love you.
I hope you have the best birthday party ever.

Wish I could be there more than anything.

Anonymous said...

so um I tried to call about all that but someone didn't answer the phone. Happy unbirthday to you. Kaitlynn's unbirthday however, is posted.