Thursday, December 24, 2009

We Had a Breakdown This Morning. It wasn't me.

All right, friends, you may have overdone it.
And I need to quit shopping. STAT.
You see, I expected a mellow little birthday at home. But my mom really wanted to make it special and exciting. But after all the amazing things that had already been done for me, she was almost out of ideas. But she read Suzette's blog, saw that I wanted the "Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess" book, and left early in the morning to go and get it for me. She was very excited because not only am I terribly hard to shop for, I also just go buy most things I think I need. I, in short, am impossible.
She drove up the driveway this morning and Brad went out to meet her. And saw the book. And then told her I already gone and bought it last week.
She put her face in her hands and started crying. She came inside, pulled the little Pepperidge Farm Coconut Cake she had bought out of the box, threw one solitary candle in it, and walked away. I had no idea what was going on.

For some reason my mom was crying, and I didn't know why. It's a very sad thing to know that you made your mom cry on your birthday. She just started saying how sad she was and that she loved me so much and she was sorry my birthday at home couldn't be so exciting. And why did John have to go and buy me a stinkin' birthday cake, too!? (I'll show it to you in a minute.)
And then I opened my card. Which she was actually too upset to wait for my dad to sign so it just says "Love, Mom & ....."

But, really, I'm really only writing this because, one, it almost made me cry. And two, I love my mom so much. I want her to know that knowing that she loves me so much means more than absolutely anything. I'm so grateful to her for making me and loving me and being an awesome mom. And to tell her that even a 30-year old cannot actually handle three birthday parties in one month. So I love you. I loved my little coconut cake for breakfast. I love you for thinking a dozen red roses on my birthday somehow isn't enough. And I love you for the car mats that I pre-ordered. Even if we do have to exchange them for a different color.
You are the best.
And you, too, dad. You just didn't cry. So this post isn't about you.
p.s. A half an hour later, when everyone had calmed down, we put more candles in the cake in the shape of a 30 and sang. And it was perfect. ;-)

And this is my sweet cake from John from "Nothing Bundt Cakes" :


Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

Can you say hello cute pink hoodie I have never seen? You looked soooo cute! Well DONE!

And I am glad your mommy loves you so much. Or else you wouldn't of been a good "step in" mommy to all of us! I think that she needs to realize that by loving you like she has, she taught you to love us all, when we needed it, like you do!

I hope you 3 1/2 parties were everything you imagined.
Sorry I wasn't there for one.
Happy Brithday again my BFF!
I also can't wait to see what the next 30 years brings!

Emily said...

Your sweet mom. Happy Birthday. This countdown was super fun.

Jessica McIntyre said...

So Bridget kinda copied what I was going to say. . . . I was noticing how cute your hoodie was and want an full picture so I can see the whole thing and also want to know where you got it.

ALSO, I was going to say that your mom (and dad) made/raised an awesome daughter that was my rock during two very memorable moments of my life. They raised an awesome daughter and I am so lucky (and thankful) that you are a part of my life.

Maria said...

Your mom is darling. :) She knows you love her to pieces! :) Just darling!