Thursday, December 24, 2009

In My Next 30 Years...

First, I will make this song my ringtone. It actually may have made me tear up just a little this morning.
My Next 30 Years
Second, well, here's the list. I actually could probably at a little to it, but it's a start.
* Take my iron supplements, multi-vitamins, and CoQ10. A lot. Not every day. But a lot.
* Learn to bake bread, rolls, and pot roast. You know, Mom stuff.
* Learn Medical Spanish
* Eat more soup. And lots more salad. And more oatmeal.
* Eat enough almonds to get my HDL in the healthy range. (It's not). Strive for a habit of
a handful everyday.
* Develop a habit of mopping every week
* Get Married and Make Some BABIES!
* Go through the temple.
* Use my crock-pot more
* Swim more
* Bench 100lbs. again
* Learn to let my hot chocolate cool down before I burn my tongue with it.
* Do Doctors Without Borders
* Keep learning guitar.
* Read some more books.
* Become a doctor.
* See A&M and UT play
* Visit another country. Border towns don't count anymore.
* Learn to eat fast food without spilling. (Not that I actually eat fast food, of course.)
* Make my bed more than 3 times a year
That's a start. :-)


Emily said...

I'll help you with the bread, rolls, and pot roast. I'm pretty good at those, though I think your parents cook pretty well too.;)

RC said...

Everything looked "do-able" except the not spilling fast food while eating. Some things are just not going to happen....

Camille Elise said...

*Make some babies! opposed to HAVING some babies. I'm with ya there...Someone get me on that band wagon. haha :)