Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christin at 21....9 days to go

So I found a photo album. Of enough pictures of me at 21. Or at least a few. So, a few of y'all got married this year. Whoo-hoo. I instead met the person I lovingly refer to nowadays as "The Convict." I hesitated posting a picture of him and then realized that pretty much my year was defined by the craziness that was him. This is one of two pictures I have of him.The other involves a wig and a cigarette and will not be posted for public viewing. This one involves the child he had with his ex-girlfriend while I continued to adore him. Yes, it was that crazy. We have no pictures together. That would be his decision. Let it also be noted that the picture to the left is of me and emily painting her icky Boise apartment lavender hours before she told me she would poke my eye out with her pen if I went to his house.
I still have both my eyes.
I totally went.
I thought he was hot and looked like Johnny Depp and really I thought I was madly madly in love.

I thank the convict for the things he taught me, most notably:
  • How to kiss
  • Who Alice & Chains, Ozzy Osborne, and Tracy Chapman were
  • Tolerance, acceptance, and understanding
  • How to make a tatoo gun out of a pen in prison
  • The difference between Malboro's & Camel's (Malboro's will kill you.)
I still blame the convict for:
  • basically every shady decision I may have made since then.
I wonder sometimes how the 36-year old convict is now doing. I am lucky to say, I really have no idea.
p.s. Thank you mom and dad for your love and support during all of this. I am forever grateful and I love you both.
And Emily. You too.
p.s. It was robbery. I know you all are wondering.
p.s. And he loved me too, by the way. ;-)


MindySue said...

I am ashamed to say that I pretty much knew nothing of this. Eek. I am a bad bad friend. :(

indeazgirl said...

it was 9 years ago. there were no blogs then. :-)

Katie said...

this made me laugh so hard! love ya!

Bonnie said...

Oh the bottles of Pepto Bismol I drank during those few years with you! I love you so much! We all have a few times when we look back and say "WHAT WAS I THINKING"!!

Emily said...

Where to start? I totally have that wig picture in a scrapbook. He looked WAY more like Snoop Dogg than Johnny Depp. Also, I'm pretty sure he's dead. Or back in prison. Or dead in prison.;) The only positive thing I will ever say about James "the convict" Rowland was that he was nowhere near good enough for you and he actually knew it. You can thank me later for never telling you the most awful story I ever heard about him. Love you, girlie.;)